K |
KWIC | Key Word in Context. |
KWOC | Key Word Out of Context. |
L |
LAFTA | Latin American Free Trade Association. |
LIBOR | London Inter-Bank Offered Rate. |
LNTS | League Of Nations Treaty Series. |
M |
M.D. | M'aider. |
MAB | Man and Biosphere. |
MAD | Mutual Assured Destruction. |
MARSAT | International Radiocommunication Satellite System. |
MARV | Maneuvering Recentry Vehicle. |
MASHRAG | Egypt,Jordan,Lebanon,Syria. |
MBFR | Mutual and Balanced Forces Reduction |
MFN | Most Favoured Nation IMF Clause. |
MHV | Miniature Homing Vehicle. |
MSA | Mutual Security Agency. |