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1.  African border disorders: addressing transnational extremist organizations / Walther, Olivier J. Ed. and Miles, William F. S. - London: Routledge, 2018
Abstract: The book explores the complex relationships that bind states, transnational rebels and extremist organizations, and borders on the African continent. Combining cutting edge network science with geographical analysis, the first part of the book highlights how the fluid alliances and conflicts between rebels, violent extremist organizations and states shape in large measure regional patterns of violence in Africa. The second part of the book examines the spread of Islamist violence around Lake Chad through the lens of the violent Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram, which has evolved from a nationally-oriented militia group, to an internationally networked organization. The third part of the book explores how violent extremist organizations conceptualize state boundaries and territory and, reciprocally, how do the civil society and the state respond to the rise of transnational organizations.
2.  Alt-America: the rise of the radical right in the age of Trump / Neiwert, David - London: Verso, 2017
Abstract: Just as Donald Trump’s victorious campaign for the US presidency shocked the world, the seemingly sudden national prominence of white supremacists, xenophobes, militia leaders, and mysterious “alt-right” figures mystifies many. But the American extreme right has been growing steadily in number and influence since the 1990s with the rise of patriot militias. Following 9/11, conspiracy theorists found fresh life; and in virulent reaction to the first black US president, militant racists have come out of the woodwork. Nurtured by a powerful right-wing media sector in radio, TV, and online, the far right, Tea Party movement conservatives, and Republican activists found common ground. Figures such as Stephen Bannon, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Alex Jones, once rightly dismissed as cranks, now haunt the reports of mainstream journalism.
3. American spies: modern surveillance, why you should care,a and what to do about it / Granick, Jennifer Stisa - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017
Abstract: US intelligence agencies - the eponymous American spies - are exceedingly aggressive, pushing and sometimes bursting through the technological, legal and political boundaries of lawful surveillance. Written for a general audience by a surveillance law expert, this book educates readers about how the reality of modern surveillance differs from popular understanding. Weaving the history of American surveillance - from J. Edgar Hoover through the tragedy of September 11th to the fusion centers and mosque infiltrators of today - the book shows that mass surveillance and democracy are fundamentally incompatible. Granick shows how surveillance law has fallen behind while surveillance technology has given American spies vast new powers. She skillfully guides the reader through proposals for reining in massive surveillance with the ultimate goal of surveillance reform.
4. The Balfour declaration: empire, the mandate and resistance in Palestine / Regan, Bernard - London: Verso, 2017
Abstract:  On November 2, 1917, the British government, represented by Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour, declared that they were in favor of “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” This short note would be one of the most controversial documents of its time. A hundred years after its signing, Bernard Regan recasts the history of the Balfour Declaration as one of the major events in the story of the Middle East. Offering new insights into the imperial rivalries between Britain, Germany and the Ottomans, Regan exposes British policy in the region as part of a larger geopolitical game. Yet, even then, the course of events was not straightforward and Regan charts the debates within the British government and the Zionist movement itself on the future of Palestine. The book also provides a revealing account of life in Palestinian society at the time, paying particular attention to the responses of Palestinian civil society to the imperial machinations that threatened their way of life. Not just a history of states and policies, Regan manages to brilliantly present both a history of people under colonialism and an account of the colonizers themselves.
5. Bhagat Singh jail notebbook / Jain, Harish Ed. - New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2017
Abstract: भगत सिंह की 'जेल नोटबुक' सुप्रसिद्ध विचारकों और दार्शनिकों के विचारों को लेकर उनकी पड़ताल का एक नया मार्ग खोलती है। एक जिज्ञासु और पढ़ने की भूख रखनेवाले व्यक्ति के रूप में प्रसिद्ध, भगत सिंह ने जेल में सजा काटने के दौरान अपनी पसंद के जाने-माने लेखकों की चुनिंदा पुस्तकों को बड़ी संख्या में जुटा लिया था। उन किताबों के जिन अंशों, नोट्स और उक्तियों को उन्होंने अपनी जेल नोटबुक में लिखा, वे न सिर्फ उस गंभीरता का परिचय देते हैं, जिनसे वह उन पुस्तकों को पढ़ा करते थे, बल्कि उनकी बौद्धिक गहराई और सामाजिक तथा राजनीतिक चिंताओं का प्रदर्शन भी करते हैं। अपनी इस पुस्तक 'जेल नोटबुक : संदर्भ और प्रासंगिकता' में हरीश जैन भगत सिंह के काम को आगे बढ़ाते हुए उनके द्वारा नोटबुक में दर्ज सूत्रों और उक्तियों के मूल स्रोतों को ढूँढ़ने, उनकी पढ़ी पुस्तकों को तलाशने और हर उक्ति विशेष और सूत्र को प्रामाणिकता प्रदान करने के लिए जो कार्य करते हैं उसमें उनकी असाधारण रूप से पुष्ट और श्रमसाध्य खोज और अनुसंधान की झलक दिखाई देती है। उस समय के विभिन्न लेखकों के विचारों तक पहुँच और उनके महत्त्व को संदर्भ से जोड़कर आप समझ सकते हैं कि क्यों उनका भगत सिंह के लिए इतना महत्त्व रहा होगा। उन्होंने जिन किताबों को पढ़ा उनके मूल विचारों पर चर्चा के अलावा यहाँ उन उक्तियों के महत्त्व को विभगत सिंह की 'जेल नोटबुक' सुप्रसिद्ध विचारकों और दार्शनिकों के विचारों को लेकर उनकी पड़ताल का एक नया मार्ग खोलती है।
6. Bhutan: new pathways to growth / Mitra, Sabyasachi Ed.  Jeong, Hoe Yun - New York: Oxford University Press, 2017
Abstract: The Kingdom of Bhutan has gone through a remarkable socio-economic transformation over the past five decades. It has progressed from a traditional stage of economic development with limited production rooted in one primary sector, to achieving the preconditions for an economic take-off. However, Bhutan is still confronted with a number of development challenges, including a narrow economic base, limited private sector development, underdeveloped credit markets and a build-up in economic inequality with significant youth unemployment. This book chronicles Bhutan’s development story and discusses a range of policies that can unlock the country’s economic potential and overcome its limitations.
7. Boko Haram: the history of an African jihadist movement / Thurston, Alexander. Princeton: Princetion University Press, 2018
Abstract: Boko Haram is one of the world’s deadliest jihadist groups. It has killed more than twenty thousand people and displaced more than two million in a campaign of terror that began in Nigeria but has since spread to Chad, Niger, and Cameroon as well. This is the first book to tell the full story of this West African affiliate of the Islamic State, from its beginnings in the early 2000s to its most infamous violence, including the 2014 kidnapping of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls. Drawing on sources in Arabic and Hausa, rare documents, propaganda videos, press reports, and interviews with experts in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Niger, Alexander Thurston sheds new light on Boko Haram’s development. He shows that the group, far from being a simple or static terrorist organization, has evolved in its worldview and ideology in reaction to events. Chief among these has been Boko Haram’s escalating war with the Nigerian state and civilian vigilantes.The book closely examines both the behavior and beliefs that are the keys to understanding Boko Haram.
8. Britain's Anglo-Indians: the invisibility of assimilation / Almeida, Rochelle    London: Lexington Books, 2017
Abstract:  Anglo-Indians form the human legacy created and left behind on the Indian sub-continent by European imperialism. When Independence was achieved from the British Raj in 1947, an exodus numbering an estimated 50,000 emigrated to Great Britain between 1948-62, under the terms of the British Nationality Act of 1948. But sixty odd years after their resettlement in Britain, the "First Wave" Anglo-Indian immigrant community continues to remain obscure among India's global diaspora. This book examines and critiques the convoluted routes of adaptation and assimilation employed by immigrant Anglo-Indians in the process of finding their niche within the context of globalization in contemporary multi-cultural Britain. As they progressed from immigrants to settlers, they underwent a cultural metamorphosis. The homogenizing labyrinth of ethnic cultures through which they negotiated their way-Indian, Anglo-Indian, then Anglo-Saxon-effaced difference but created yet another hybrid identity: British Anglo-Indianness.
9. A century of crisis and conflict in the international system / Brecher, Michael.  New York: Palgarve Macmillan, 2018
Abstract:  This book is designed to present a fully developed theory of international crisis and conflict, along with substantial evidence of these two closely related phenomena. The book begins with a discussion of these topics at a theoretical level, defining and elaborating on core concepts: international crisis, interstate conflict, severity, and impact. This is followed by a discussion of the international system, along with two significant illustrations, the Berlin Blockade crisis (1948) and the India-Pakistan crisis over Kashmir (1965-66). The book then presents a unified model of crisis, focusing on the four phases of an international crisis, which incorporate the four periods of foreign policy crises for individual states. Findings from thirteen conflicts representing six regional clusters are then analyzed, concluding with a set of hypotheses and evidence on conflict onset, persistence, and resolution.
10. The changing currents of transpacific integration: China, the TPP, and beyond / Hearn, Adrian H. Ed.  London: Lynne Rienner, 2017
Abstract:  This comprehensive assessment of transpacific economic integration explores the many ways that new approaches to multilateral cooperation, and notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), are transforming the regional landscape. Reflecting diverse views on the merits of new and wide-ranging agreements, the authors consider: To what extent will the TPP facilitate the US "pivot" to Asia at a time when China, not a TPP member, is attempting to shape regional economic dynamics? Will the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, strongly backed by China, prove complementary or antagonistic to the TPP? How can countries throughout Latin America and Asia best secure benefits from emerging accords? As they engage with these and related issues/debates, they also provide informed assessments of the political and economic significance of the new agreements for the future of transpacific integration.
11. China, Africa and responsible international engagement / Xu, Yanzhua  London: Routledge, 2018.
Abstract: China’s increasing involvement in Africa is a controversial and hotly debated issue. On the one hand, China has brought significant economic and political opportunities to the continent with large amounts of investment and infrastructure. On the other hand, however, China’s interests in Africa - including international strategy for multipolarity, a boom in China-Africa trade, and a strategic focus on energy – have been challenged as a form of neo-colonialism with claims that support for authoritarian governments has come at the expense of human rights, the environment and good governance.This book analyses China’s responsibility in Africa through the lens of good governance, China’s African policy, policy implementation, feedback from host countries, and feedback from international society. Arguing for a new framework for evaluating China-Africa engagement, it looks at four countries – Sudan (South Sudan), Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia, all of which represent typical features of China-Africa relations – to test China’s impact on the country and to analyse the factors in Africa that affect China’s ability to shoulder responsibility.
12. China and Africa: building peace and security cooperation on the continent / Alden, Chris Ed. New York: Palgarve Macmillan, 2018
Abstract:  This book investigates the expanding involvement of China in security cooperation in Africa. Drawing on leading and emerging scholars in the field, the volume uses a combination of analytical insights and case studies to unpack the complexity of security challenges confronting China and the continent. It interrogates how security considerations impact upon the growing economic and social links China has developed with African states.
13. China-Japan relations in the 21st century: antagonism despite interdependency / Peng, Lam Er Ed.   New York: Palgarve Macmillan, 2017
Abstract:  This new collection examines the paradox of Sino-Japanese relations and the rising diplomatic antagonism between both countries despite deepening economic interdependency. Offering a unique perspective on the history of bilateral ties since diplomatic normalization in 1972, it considers the growing interdependency between China and Japan in bilateral trade, investment, tourism and education, as well as the question of nationalism and Sino-Japanese rivalry in multilateral settings such as in ASEAN processes, the Mekong Basin and the South China Sea. Focusing on the power transition in East Asia, the lack of a common enemy in the post-Cold War era, the clash of Chinese and Japanese nationalism, and a lack of trust, shared values and common identity between China and Japan, this collection addresses the origins of a troubled bilateral relationship which could impact on the stability and prosperity of East Asia.
14. The China order: centralia, world empire, and the nature of Chinese power / Wang, Fei-Ling   New York: Suny Press, 2017
Abstract:  What does the rise of China represent, and how should the international community respond? With a holistic rereading of Chinese longue durée history, Fei-Ling Wang provides a simple but powerful framework for understanding the nature of persistent and rising Chinese power and its implications for the current global order. He argues that the Chinese ideation and tradition of political governance and world order—the China Order—is based on an imperial state of Confucian-Legalism as historically exemplified by the Qin-Han polity. Claiming a Mandate of Heaven to unify and govern the whole known world or tianxia (all under heaven), the China Order dominated Eastern Eurasia as a world empire for more than two millennia, until the late nineteenth century. Since 1949, the People’s Republic of China has been a reincarnated Qin-Han polity without the traditional China Order, finding itself stuck in the endless struggle against the current world order and the ever-changing Chinese society for its regime survival and security. Wang also offers new discoveries and assessments about the true golden eras of Chinese civilization, explains the great East-West divergence between China and Europe, and analyzes the China Dream that drives much of current Chinese foreign policy.
15. China's expanding military maritime footprint in the Indian ocean region: India's response / Suri, Gopal   New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2017
Abstract:  Significance of the great expanse of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) comes from its centrality to global trade and as a conduit of energy supply to the Asiatic powers. In fulfilment of its 'Chinese Dream' therefore, China has found added interests over the Indian Ocean and its literal nations. Accordingly, it has launched a massive programme to establish itself in this Region.
16. China's presence in the middle east: the implications of the one belt, one road initiative / Ehteshami, Anoushiravan Ed,  London: Routledge, 2018
Abstract:  Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) vision, heralded as an attempt to revive the pre-modern Silk Route, is intended to strengthen West Asia’s economic links with China through ambitious infrastructural projects. Central to this are fast-track rail links, funded by the newly-established Asia Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), which has its headquarters in Beijing. This book explores the implications of OBOR and the AIIB for the Middle East/West Asia, and addresses a number of key strategic questions arising from China’s new initiatives. These include: how far are the strategic imperatives underpinning China’s policies connected to the political dynamics of Xinjiang and the spread of radical Islam in Central Asia? How are Middle Eastern stakeholders’ views of China affected by the new initiatives? How does China’s increasing involvement in the Middle East/West Asia affect other regional powers with ambitions in the region, notably Russia? The book also considers the impact of China’s increasing presence on individual countries, including Saudi Arabia and Israel.
17. Chinese visions of world order: tianxia, culture , and world politics / Wang, Ban Ed.     London: Duke University Press, 2017
Abstract:  The Confucian doctrine of tianxia (all under heaven) outlines a unitary worldview that cherishes global justice and transcends social, geographic, and political divides. For contemporary scholars, it has held myriad meanings, from the articulation of a cultural imaginary and political strategy to a moralistic commitment and a cosmological vision. The contributors to Chinese Visions of World Order examine the evolution of tianxia's meaning and practice in the Han dynasty and its mutations in modern times. They attend to its varied interpretations, its relation to realpolitik, and its revival in twenty-first-century China. They also investigate tianxia's birth in antiquity and its role in empire building, invoke its cultural universalism as a new global imagination for the contemporary world, analyze its resonance and affinity with cosmopolitanism in East-West cultural relations, discover its persistence in China's socialist internationalism and third world agenda, and critique its deployment as an official state ideology.
18. The coalition years 1996-2012 / Mukherjee, Pranab  New Delhi: Rupa, 2017
Abstract: The Coalition Years begins its journey in 1996 and explores the highs and lows that characterized sixteen years of one of the most tumultuous periods in the nation’s political history. It is an insightful account of the larger governance phenomenon in India—coalition politics—as seen through the eyes of one of the chief architects of the post-Congress era of Indian politics. From the inexplicable defeat of the Congress in the 1996 general elections and the rise of regional parties like the TDP and the TMC, to the compelling factors that forced the Congress to withdraw support to the I.K. Gujral government and the singular ability of Sonia Gandhi to forge an alliance with diverse political parties that enabled the Congress to lead the coalitions of UPA I and II, Pranab Mukherjee was a keen observer and an active participant in the contemporary developments that reshaped the course of the country’s political, economic and social destiny.
19. Commando: the death-defying missions of the Israeli special forces / Bar-Zohar, Michael.  Ahmedabad: Jaico Publishing House, 2017
Abstract: Michael Bar-Zohar and Nissim Mishal return with the intensely absorbing, fast-paced story of thirty of the boldest missions of the Israeli Special Forces. Packed with electrifying battles, raids in enemy territory, and death-defying commando missions, Commando follows the lives and accomplishments of some of Israel’s most prominent figures.  Captivating and eye-opening, it offers an opportunity to understand how these crucial missions shaped Israel, and the world at large.
20. Contemporary China's diplomacy / Qu, Xing  London: Routledge, 2018
Abstract: With the second-largest economy and rapidly growing military strength, China is now an emerging regional and global super power, which makes it confronted with a sudden increase in opportunities, pressures and conflicts in terms of international issues. This book gives a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the development of China’s diplomatic strategies since 1980s, which have been changed approximately every ten years to cope with the complicated and changing international situations. In 1980s, China took "non-alignment" to create a solid external environment for the reform and opening-up which had just been initiated. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, upheaval in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War in 1990s, China adopted the principle of "keeping a low profile and making some contributions", to adhere to the road of socialism while avoid making enemies. Nowadays, due to the continuous enhancement of national power and international status, China replaces "making some contributions" with "making positive actions", to get more actively involved in international affairs.
21. Contemporary South Korean economy: challenges and prospects / Min-Hua, Chiang. London: World Scientific, 2017
Abstract:  South Korea's post-war economic success is a well-known story. However, its development in the past two decades is relatively less investigated. By reviewing key economic issues in South Korea's economy today, this book offers an input to the research of contemporary South Korea, in particular the country's economic development and its external economic relations.This book provides an analytical overview of key issues in contemporary South Korean economy. The timely and in-depth study presented in the book examines the main reasons behind South Korea's economic slowdown in recent years, the economic and social impact following chaebol's growing business expansion, free trade agreements with China and the United States, the development of income inequality, the ageing demography and the Korean government's policy response to overcome the current economic difficulties.
22. Cracking the China conundrum: why conventional economic wisdom is wrong / Huang, Yukon   New York: Oxford University Press, 2017
Abstract:  China's rise is altering global power relations, reshaping economic debates, and commanding tremendous public attention. Despite extensive media and academic scrutiny, the conventional wisdom about China's economy is often wrong. Cracking the China Conundrum provides a holistic and contrarian view of China's major economic, political, and foreign policy issues. Yukon Huang trenchantly addresses widely accepted yet misguided views in the analysis of China's economy. He examines arguments about the causes and effects of China's possible debt and property market bubbles, trade and investment relations with the Western world, the links between corruption and political liberalization in a growing economy and Beijing's more assertive foreign policies. 
23. Democracy, constitutionalism, and politics in Africa: historical contexts, development, and dilemmas / Sahle, Eunice N.  New York: Palgarve Macmillan, 2017
Abstract: This volume explores contemporary political developments in various parts of Africa in the age of democracy, constitutionalism, the securitization of development, and global terrorism. The contributions by leading observers of constitutionalism and African politics in the context of a global political and economic system provide a nuanced understanding of important themes in contemporary African politics: constitutionalism, democratic politics and governance, women’s rights, the African Union, securitization of development, civil society, and debates concerning global terrorism and the war on terror. As such, it will be of great interest to scholars, civil society organizations, and public policy makers interested in contemporary African politics.
24. Developed nations and the economic impact of globalization / Moak, Ken   New York: Palgarve Macmillan, 2017
Abstract:  This book discusses the economic and geopolitical effects of globalization from historical and institutional perspectives. While it has had unintended consequences, such as displacing developed countries' dominance of production markets, the overall benefits of globalization far outweigh the costs. Moak argues that leading developed nations should not fear globalization but, instead, make concerted efforts to promote it in order to keep the cost-benefit balance weighing in favor of economic enhancement and geopolitical stability. Having incurred huge private and public debts as well as a weak monetary policy posture, many developed nations have been unable to recovery from the 2008 financial crisis. Moreover, geopolitical tensions are rising due to the power rivalry between the United States, China, and Russia over a host issues, including trade imbalances and geopolitics. This book aims to provide stakeholders with the relevant and necessary information to hold an objective debate on globalization. Ultimately, this book is about globalization― what it is, how it impacts the global economy and polity, and why it is needed now more than any other time in human history. 
25. Development against democracy: manipulating political change in the third world / Gendzier, Irene L.  London: Pluto Press, 2017
Abstract: This new, updated edition of the influential Development Against Democracy is a critical guide to postwar studies of modernisation and development. In the mid-twentieth century, models of development studies were products of postwar American policy. They focused on newly independent states in the Global South, aiming to assure their pro-Western orientation by promoting economic growth, political reform and liberal democracy. However, this prevented real democracy and radical change. Today, projects of democracy have evolved in a radically different political environment that seems to have little in common with the postwar period.
26. Die in battle, do not despair: the Indians on gallipoli, 1915 (war and military Culture in South Asia, 1757-1948) / Stanley, Peter Delhi: Primus Books, 2017
Abstract: In 1915 about 15,000 Indian troops - two or three times as many as previously thought - served in the dramatic and doomed eight-month Gallipoli campaign. Their part in the invasion of Gallipoli has lain largely unknown since the publication of long disregarded regimental histories and forgotten British officers' memoirs. Force G, as it came to be known, included Sikhs, Hindus and Punjabi Musalmans (as Muslim soldiers were called) and four battalions of Gurkhas. They served in an infantry brigade, a mountain artillery brigade, in medical units and in a large contingent of mule drivers, who perhaps made the Indians 'most important contribution to the campaign. About 1,600 of the Indians who served on Gallipoli died, in actions at Gurkha Bluff and Hill 60.
27. Digital world war: Islamists, extremists, and the fight for cyber supremacy / Ullah, Haroon K.   London: Yale University Press, 2017
Abstract:  Haroon K. Ullah, a scholar and diplomat with deep knowledge of Islamic politics and digital innovation, draws the first clear picture of the unprecedented impact of online networks across the Middle East, North Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. Social media has dominated the discourse surrounding recent events in the Muslim world-from the seismic events of the Arab Spring and its aftermath, to ISIS's slick online recruitment and digitally documented campaign of terror, to the ongoing civil war and tragedy in Syria and Iraq, as well as instability in Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Afghanistan. Yet there has been little useful insight into the actual roles currently played by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and a plethora of other social media in these countries. Lacking, too, is any analysis of the use of the dark web, cyber tracking, hacking, encryption, and digital attacks by both state and non-state actors.
28. Diplomatic law in a new millennium / Behrens, Paul Ed.   New York: Oxford University Press, 2017
Abstract: Diplomatic Law in a New Millennium brings together 20 experts to provide insight into some of the most controversial and important matters which characterise modern diplomatic law. They include diplomatic asylum, the treatment (and rights) of domestic staff of diplomatic agents, the inviolability of correspondence, of the diplomatic bag and of the diplomatic mission, the immunity to be given to members of the diplomatic family, diplomatic duties (including the duty of non-interference), but also the rise of diplomatic actors which are not sent by States (including members of the EU diplomatic service). This book explores these matters in a critical, yet accessible manner, and is therefore an invaluable resource for practitioners, scholars and students with an interest in diplomatic relations. The authors of the book include some of the leading authorities on diplomatic law (including a delegate to the 1961 conference which codified modern diplomatic law) as well as serving and former members of the diplomatic corps.
29. Do the Geneva conventions matter? / Evangelista, Matthew Ed.   New York: Oxford University Press, 2017
Abstract: The Geneva Conventions are the best-known and longest-established laws governing warfare, but what difference do they make to how states engage in armed conflict? Since the start of the "War on Terror" with 9/11, these protocols have increasingly been incorporated into public discussion. We have entered an era where contemporary wars often involve terrorism and guerrilla tactics, but how have the rules that were designed for more conventional forms of interstate violence adjusted? Do the Geneva Conventions Matter? provides a rich, comparative analysis of the laws that govern warfare and a more specific investigation relating to state practice. Matthew Evangelista and Nina Tannenwald convey the extent and conditions that symbolic or "ritual" compliance translates into actual compliance on the battlefield by looking at important studies across history.
30. Durand's curse: a life across the pathan heart / Dogra, Rajiv   New Delhi: Rupa, 2017
Abstract:  Blood and fire have often blighted Afghanistan, the three Anglo-Afghan wars being among the bloodiest and the cruelest in its history. But Britain’s partitioning of Afghanistan will rank as the greatest crime of the nineteenth century. That arbitrary line which Mortimer Durand drew in 1893 on a small piece of paper continues to bleed Afghanistan and hound the world. Alas, this story remained untold until now.
Written in an inimitable style, Durand’s Curse is the result of deep research. Fascinating details from long-buried archives of history reveal for the first time a tale of intrigue and deceit against Afghanistan. First the British and then Pakistan had taken away territory that originally belonged to Afghanistan. But the divided Pathan families refuse to accept this division even now and for the last century and over, there has been a struggle to rub out the cursed line drawn across the sand.
31. The Dynamics of diplomacy / Leguey-Feilleux, Jean-Robert - New Delhi: Viva, 2017
Abstract: This comprehensive new text offers a fresh, up-to-date look at the evolution, politics, and practice of diplomacy today. Leguey-Feilleux first provides a solid grounding in the history of traditional diplomacy, beginning with ancient times. He then reviews the forces of contemporary change - the dramatic developments in both international politics and the realm of technology that have affected the practice of diplomacy - and explores the full range of diplomatic modes. How much of traditional diplomacy remains relevant today, he helps us to assess. How much of it is being drastically changed, and how do those changes affect both the profession and the conduct of foreign relations?Designed to be both authoritative and engaging, and with abundant in-depth case studies, ""The Dynamics of Diplomacy"" will provide readers with a thorough understanding of all that contemporary diplomacy entails.
32. Encyclopedia of cyber warfare / Springer, Paul J. Ed.   Springer - Colorado: ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017
Abstract: This definitive reference resource on cyber warfare covers all aspects of this headline topic, providing historical context of cyber warfare and an examination its rapid development into a potent technological weapon of the 21st century.* Provides comprehensive coverage of the major individuals, organizations, impacts, and issues related to cyber warfare that enables readers to better understanding of the impact of cyber warfare on modern conflicts* Includes a detailed chronology that documents the evolution and use of cyber warfare over the past few decades* Supplies further readings and a lengthy bibliography that offer a wealth of options to students conducting extensive research on the subject
33. EU-Russia relations, 1999-2015: from courtship to confrontation / Maass, Anna-Sophie. London: Routledge, 2017
Abstract:  This book traces the development of EU-Russia relations in recent years. It argues that a major factor influencing the relationship is the changing internal dynamics of both parties, in Russia’s case an increasingly authoritarian state, in the case of the EU an increasing coherence in its foreign policy as applied to former Soviet countries which Russia regarded as interference in its own sphere. The book considers the impact of conflicts in Kosovo, Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine, discusses the changing internal situation in both Russia and the EU, including the difficulties in overcoming fragmentation in EU policy-making, and concludes by assessing how the situation is likely to develop.
34. Foreign policies of EU member states: continuity and Europeanisation / Hadfield, Amelia Ed.  - London: Routledge, 2017
Abstract:  Foreign Policies of EU Member States provides a clear and current overview of the motivations and outcomes of EU Member States regarding their foreign policy-making within and beyond the EU. It provides an in-depth analysis of intra-EU policy-making and sheds light, in an innovative and understandable way, on the lesser-known aspects of the inter-EU and extra-EU foreign policies of the twenty-eight Member States. The text has an innovative method of thematic organisation in which case study state profiles emerge via dominant foreign policy themes. The text examines the three main policy challenges currently faced by the twenty-eight Member States:
35. The future of war: a history / Freedman, Lawrence   - New York: Public Affairs, 2017
Abstract: In 1912 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a short story about a war fought from underwater submersibles that included the sinking of passenger ships. It was dismissed by the British admirals of the day, not on the basis of technical feasibility, but because sinking civilian ships was not something that any civilised nation would do. The reality of war often contradicts expectations, less because of some fantastic technical or engineering dimension, but more because of some human, political, or moral threshold that we had never imagined would be crossed.
36. Global challenges in water governance: environments, economies, societies / Schmidt, Jeremy J.   New York: Palgarve Macmillan, 2017
Abstract:  This book presents a historically situated explanation of the rise of global water governance and the contemporary challenges that global water governance seeks to address. It is particularly concerned with connecting what are often technical issues in water management with the social and political structures that affect how technical and scientific advice affects decisions. Schmidt and Matthews are careful to avoid the pitfalls of setting up opposing binaries, such as ‘nature versus culture’ or ‘private versus public’, thereby allowing readers to understand how contests over water governance have been shaped over time and why they will continue to be so.
37. Global governance and China: the dragon's learning curve / Kennedy, Scott Ed. - London: Routledge, 2018
Abstract:  This volume offers systematic analysis of China’s growing engagement in global governance institutions over the past three decades. During this period, China has gone from outsider to observer to insider. The volume is based on studies of Chinese involvement in a wide cross section of regimes, including trade, finance, intellectual property rights, foreign aid, and climate change.
38. The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations / Baylis, John - New York: Oxford University Press, 2017
Abstract:  Trusted by over 300,000 students in over 120 countries, The Globalization of World Politics is the most authoritative and complete introduction to IR available, making it the go-to text for students of international relations. Now in its sixth edition, this internationally successful textbook has been fully revised and updated in light of recent developments in world politics, featuring 35 new international case studies including: the BRICs, Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Sudanese civil war, drones, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, rise of China, Occupy movement and Syrian Revolution. A new chapter by Andrew Hurrell on rising powers and the emerging global order ensures the text continues to cover topics that will be defining the issues now and for the next generation. The unique line-up of expert contributors introduces students to the very best work within history, theory, structures and key issues in international relations, providing a launch-pad for those who choose to progress with their IR studies.
39. Historical dictionary of Burma (Myanmar) / Seekins, Donald M. -- 2nd   - London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017
Abstract: Burma (Myanmar) is a country in crisis, and a political resolution to its problems of national unity seems unlikely to occur in the near future. The purpose of the Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar) is to explain in depth the country's political crisis, while also providing detailed historical background. While paying much attention to the personalities and events of the 1962-1988 Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP) period, the dictionary focuses on the events, institutions, and personalities of 1988, when a nationwide movement for democracy resulted in the collapse of the BSPP regime, and the post-1988 period, when Burma was ruled by a military junta, the State Law and Order Restoration Council, which, after 1997, changed its name to the State Peace and Development Council.
40. Imagining Pakistan: modernism, state, and the politics of Islamic revival / Rais, Rasul Bakhash  - London: Lexington Books, 2017
Abstract:  Imagining Pakistan argues that the creation of Pakistan is a result of Muslim modernism in the Subcontinent, as it defined the struggle for identity, nationalism, and empowerment of Muslim communities. This modernist movement represented the ideals of inclusivity, equal rights, a liberal constitutional framework, and a shared sense of political community among diverse ethnic and regional groups. However, while this modernity was the ideal of Pakistan's founders, it faced resistance from Islamists obsessed with recovering a past legacy of lost Muslim glory. A major threat to political modernism also came from the military that wanted to create a strong and secure Pakistan through 'controlled' democracy.
41. In flight from conflict and violence: UNHCR's consultations on refugee status and other forms of international protection / Turk, Volker Ed.   - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017
Abstract:  The impact of violence and conflict on refugee status determination and international protection is a key developing field. Given the contemporary dynamics of armed conflict, how to interpret and apply the refugee definitions at global and regional levels is increasingly relevant to governmental policy-makers, decision-makers, legal practitioners, academics and students. This book will provide a comprehensive analysis of the global and regional refugee instruments as they apply to claimants in flight from situations of armed violence and conflict, exploring their interrelationship and how they are interpreted and applied (or should be applied).
42. India-Australia relations: evolving polycentric world order / Gopal, D. Ed.-
New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2017
Abstract:  To most perceptive observers world politics is currently witnessing two conflicting trends: first, no one state is in a position to deal with global challenges, be it economic or military security; and second, neither there is scope for any collective global initiative because the number of stakeholders and players on the global arena is significantly on the rise. Against this background, emergence of the Indo Pacific as a new geo-strategic construct or constellation is perceived as yet another evidence of a rapidly changing multipolar global order the salience of which is as much commended as it is intensely contested.
43. India, China, and the world: a connected history / Sen, Tansen  - London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017
Abstract:  This essential, richly researched book provides the first comprehensive history of India–China interactions in the broader contexts of Asian and world history. Sen fills a striking gap in the study of India and China by tracing their connected histories in a global setting.
44.  India development report 2017 / Dev, S. Mahendra Ed.   - New York: Oxford University Press, 2018
Abstract:  The Indian economy is more globally integrated now as compared to the year when the reforms started. The global financial crisis that originated in the US in 2008 transmitted to emerging market economies like India. Again, continued global slowdown in the last few years had an adverse impact on India’s economy as the value of exports declined significantly in the last two years. Currently, India’s macroeconomic parameters, such as current account deficit, inflation, fiscal deficit, and exchange rate, are under control and stable. India is attracting large inflows of foreign direct investment, and has seen GDP growth of over 2 trillion dollars in 2017.
45.  India's economy: pre-liberalisation to GST / Kapila, Uma Ed.  - New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2017
Abstract:  The year 2017 marks the 70th year of India's independence. The country's transformation from a colonially subjugated economy to the fastest growing major economy of the world is impressive and laudable. But the coming decade is going to be crucial for the nation. Looking ahead, what does the economic roadmap for India look like? Critical questions need to be asked and addressed. This edited volume in honour of Raj Kapila, with contributions from a large number of eminent economists and policymakers, addresses wide array of issues confronting India's economy. A common thread in all the papers is that we need to ensure that our development process is just, humane, inclusive, sustainable, poverty reducing and environment-friendly.
5. Bharat Gatha / Bali, Suryakant - Delhi: Parbhat Parkashan, 2015
Abastract: भारत की दस हजार साल पुरानी सभ्यता के इतिहास का शिखर वक्तव्य यह है कि इसके निर्माण और विकास में युग परिवर्तन कर सकनेवाला विलक्षण और मौलिक योगदान उन समुदायों और जाति-वर्गों के प्रतिभा-संपन्न एवं तेजस्वी महाव्यक्तित्वों ने किया, जो पिछली कुछ सदियों से उपेक्षा और तिरस्कार के पात्र रहे हैं, शिक्षा-विहीन, दलित बना दिए गए हैं। किसी भी समाज के जीवन-मूल्य क्या हैं, इस संसार और ब्रह्मांड के प्रति उसकी दृष्टि कितनी तर्कपूर्ण और विज्ञान-सम्मत है, मनुष्य ही नहीं, प्राणिमात्र को, वनस्पतियों तक को वह समाज किस दष्टि से देखता है, इसका फैसला इस बात से होता है कि वह समाज स्त्री को पूरा सम्मान देता है या नहीं और कि वह समाज उपेक्षावश शूद्र या दलित बना दिए वर्गों को सिर-आँखों पर बिठाता है या नहीं, और निर्धनों के प्रति उसका दृष्टिकोण मानवीय तथा रचनात्मक है या नहीं।
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