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Embassies of India Library Network
Embassies and High Commissions of India are maintaining Mission libraries with the help of e-Granthalaya. NIC has created a separate cloud based cluster in the name of Embassies of India Library Network: This Cluster of e-Granthalaya 4.0 is dedicated to Mission Libraries of Embassies and High Commissions of India in various Countries. NIC provides access to Online version of e-Granthalaya Software for Automation and Networking of Libraries for access to e-Catalogs of Embassies and High Commissions of India through the link: https://eg4.nic.in/embassies/
Indian Missions Abroad interested to establish systematic library in the Mission may contact MEA Library, dirlibmea.gov.in; aliomea.gov.in and mealibmea.gov.in; Ph. 011-23389073; 23382694