D |
DAC | Development Assistance Committee. |
DARE | Data Retrieval System for Social Science. |
DSB | Drug Supervisory Body. |
E |
EAAFRO | East African Agriculture and Forestry Reseach Organization. |
EACSO | East African Common Services Organization. |
EAGGF | European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund. |
ECA | UN Economic Commission for Africa. |
ECAFE | UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. |
ECDC | Economic Co-operation Among Developing Countries. |
ECE | UN Economic Commission for Europe. |
ECLA | UN Economic Commission for Latin America. |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Council. |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States. |
ECS | European Communication Satellite. |
ECSC | Europen Coal and Steel Community. |
ECU | European Currency Unit. |
ECWA | UN Economic Commission for Western Asia. |
EDC | European Defence Community |
EDU | European Democratic Union. |
EEC | European Economic Community. |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association. |
EMA | European Monetary Agreement. |
EMCOF | European Monetary Co-operation Fund. |
EMF | European Monetary Fund. |
EMS | European Monetary System. |
ERP | European Recovery Plan. |
ESA | European Space Agency. |
ESCAP | UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. |
ESRO | European Space Research Organization. |
EURATOM | European Atomic Energy Community. |
EUREX | Computer Trading and Information System. |
EUROCONTROL | European Organization for the Safety Navigation. |
EUROCULT | European Culture. |
EURONET | European Information Network. |
EUROSPACE | European Industrial Space Study Group. |
EXIMBANK | Export-Import Bank of the USA. |
F |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation. |
FBS | Forward Based System. |
FDC | First Day Cover. |
FOA | Foreign Operations Administration. |
FOB | Free on Board. |
FOR | Free on Rail. |
FORTRAN | Formula Translating System. |
FPA | Foreign Policy Association. |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany. |
FUND A | Agriculture Fund. |