A |
AARRO | Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization. |
ABC | Atomic, Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons. |
ABC | Argentina, Brazil, Chile. |
ABCD | American, British, Chinese and Dutch Allied Forces. |
ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missile. |
ABS | American Bureau of Shipping. |
ACA | Allied Control Authority. |
ACAST | Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology for Development. |
ACCHAN | Allied Command Channel. |
ACE | Allied Command Europe. |
ACLANT | Allied Command Atlantic. |
ACP | African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries. |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory. |
ADELA | Atlantic Development Group for Latin America. |
ADP | Automatic Data Processing. |
AEDF | Asian Economic Development Fund. |
AGM | Air-to-Ground Missile. |
AGRIS | International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology. |
AID | (US) Agency for International Development. |
AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. |
AIFTA | Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement. |
ALCM | Air-Launched Cruise Missile. |
ALGOL | Algorithmic Language. |
AMGOT | Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories. |
AMU | Asian Monetary Unit. |
ANF | Atlantic Nuclear Forces. |
ANZAC | Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. |
APO | Asian Productivity Organization. |
ASBM | Air-to-Surface Ballistic Missile. |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations. |
ASIL | American Society of International Law. |
ASM | Air-to-Surface Missiles. |
ASPAC | Asian and Pacific Council. |
ASW | Anti-Submarine Warfare. |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System. |
B |
BAC | British Air Corporation. |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements. |
BMD | Ballistic Missile Defence. |
BW | Bacteriological Weapons. |
C |
CACM | Central American Common Market. |
CARE | Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere. |
CARICOM | Caribbean Community. |
CARIFTA | Caribbean Free Trade Association. |
CBU | Cluster Bomb Unit. |
CENTO | Central Treaty Organization. |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency. |
CIF | Cost, Insurance, Freight. |
COBOL | Common Business-Oriented Language. |
COMECON | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). |
COMINFORM | Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. |
COMINTERN | Communist International. |
COMISCO | Committee of International Socialistic Conferences. |
COMITEXTIL | Co-ordinating Committee of the Textile Industry. |
COMSAT | Commercial Satellite Corporation. |
COSPAR | Committee for Space Research. |
CPSU | Communist Party of the Soviet Union. |
CREST | Committee of Scientific and Technological Research. |
CROWCASS | Criminals of War Commission. |
CSCE | Conference of Security and Co-operation in Europe. |
CSTD | Committee on Science and Technology for Development. |