T |
TANZAM | Tanzania-Zambia Railroad Line. |
TDW | Ton Deadweight. |
TEE | Trans-Europe Express. |
TELSTAR | Television Satellite of the USA. |
TEM | Trans-European Motorway. |
TIAS | Treaties and Other International Acts Series. |
TIMS | The Institute of Management Sciences. |
TIS | UN Treaty Information System. |
U |
UAE | United Arab Emirates. |
UAS | United Arab States. |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Objects. |
UIA | Union of International Associations. |
UK | United Kingdom. |
UML | Union Monetaria Latina. |
UN | United Nations. |
UNCA | UN Correspondents Association. |
UNCD | UN Centre for Disarmament. |
UNCIO | UN Conference of International Organization. |
UNCITRAL | UN Commission on International Trade Law. |
UNCTAD | UN Conference on Trade and Development. |
UNDOF | UN Disengagement Observer Force. |
UNDP | UN Development Programme. |
UNDRO | UN Disaster Relief Office. |
UNEP | UN Environment Programme. |
UNESCO | UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. |
UNESOB | UN Economic and Social Office in Beirut. |
UNFDAC | UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control. |
UNFICYP | UN Peace-Keeping Force in Cypus. |
UNFPA | UN Fund for Population Activities. |
UNHCR | UN High Commissioner for Refugees. |
UNIAPAC | International Christian Union of Business Executives. |
UNICEF | UN Children's Fund. |
UNIDO | UN Industrial Development Organization. |
UNIFIL | UN Interim Force in Lebanon. |
UNIPOM | UN India-Pakistan Observation Mission. |
UNISIST | UN International System of Information on Science and Technology. |
UNISPACE | UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. |
UNITAR | UN Institute for Training and Research. |
UNMOGIP | UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan. |
UNRIP | UN Representative for India and Pakistan. |
UNRISD | UN Research Institute for Social Development. |
UNRRA | UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. |
UNRWA | UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. |
UNSCEAR | UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. |
UNSCOB | UN Special Committee on the Balkans. |
UNSDRI | UN Social Defence Research Institute. |
UNSO | UN Sahelian Office. |
UNTAG | UN Temporary Auxiliary Group. |
UNTSO | UN Truce Supervision Organization. |
UPU | Universal Postal Union. |
URANCO | British-Dutch-West German Consortium for Processing Uranium. |
USA | United States of America. |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development. |
USIA | US Information Agency. |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. |
V |
VAT | Value Added Tax. |