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Important Abbrevations


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
TANZAM Tanzania-Zambia Railroad Line.
TDW Ton Deadweight.
TEE Trans-Europe Express.
TELSTAR Television Satellite of the USA.
TEM Trans-European Motorway.
TIAS Treaties and Other International Acts Series.
TIMS The Institute of Management Sciences.
TIS UN Treaty Information System.
UAE United Arab Emirates.
UAS United Arab States.
UFO Unidentified Flying Objects.
UIA Union of International Associations.
UK United Kingdom.
UML Union Monetaria Latina.
UN United Nations.
UNCA UN Correspondents Association.
UNCD UN Centre for Disarmament.
UNCIO UN Conference of International Organization.
UNCITRAL UN Commission on International Trade Law.
UNCTAD UN Conference on Trade and Development.
UNDOF UN Disengagement Observer Force.
UNDP UN Development Programme.
UNDRO UN Disaster Relief Office.
UNEP UN Environment Programme.
UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
UNESOB UN Economic and Social Office in Beirut.
UNFDAC UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control.
UNFICYP UN Peace-Keeping Force in Cypus.
UNFPA UN Fund for Population Activities.
UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
UNIAPAC International Christian Union of Business Executives.
UNICEF UN Children's Fund.
UNIDO UN Industrial Development Organization.
UNIFIL UN Interim Force in Lebanon.
UNIPOM UN India-Pakistan Observation Mission.
UNISIST UN International System of Information on Science and Technology.
UNISPACE UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
UNITAR UN Institute for Training and Research.
UNMOGIP UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan.
UNRIP UN Representative for India and Pakistan.
UNRISD UN Research Institute for Social Development.
UNRRA UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
UNRWA UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.
UNSCEAR UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
UNSCOB UN Special Committee on the Balkans.
UNSDRI UN Social Defence Research Institute.
UNSO UN Sahelian Office.
UNTAG UN Temporary Auxiliary Group.
UNTSO UN Truce Supervision Organization.
UPU Universal Postal Union.
URANCO British-Dutch-West German Consortium for Processing Uranium.
USA United States of America.
USAID United States Agency for International Development.
USIA US Information Agency.
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
VAT Value Added Tax.
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